We sincerely thank you for your calls and emails expressing well wishes and prayers following Hurricane Irma’s visit. They worked! She certainly packed a punch, but nothing we can’t handle. We are very happy to report that our personal homes did well during the storm but sadly our office took on 3 feet of water. Repairs are underway and in no time it will be completely restored. In the meantime we are fully functional in our satellite office (Andi’s kitchen and dining areas). Our office phones should be back up in the next week or so.
We are also happy to report that the majority of the properties we represent suffered little to no damage. Many are ready for occupancy now. A few sustained damage that will take a couple of weeks (not months) to repair. Below is an update on property availability. We look forward to welcoming you back to the Upper Keys!
Please feel free to email Ashley@KeysHolidayRentals.com or Andi@KeysHolidayRentals.com with inquires, questions or comments.