Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Idea
    A hint of a highway to the mainland was uttered in a political address by George W. Allen in 1895. To the author the first major step in modernizing land transportation in the Keys as we know it was the railroad. Along with the railroad came post offices with daily deliveries of people and goods. Many of us today think of the Overseas Highway as a direct result of the 1935 hurricane that destroyed Flagler's Florida East Coast Railway. In many ways this is true; however, the highway actually started evolving earlier. 

      The meager beginning takes us back to 1917, when Monroe County floated a $100,000 bond issue to build roads, or trails, on Key Largo, Big Pine Key and a bridge from Key West to Stock Island. Dating back even earlier was the symbolic "Tallahassee Road" in Planter. A road was needed to connect all the pineapple farms in the area so they could cart pineapples to the dock at Planter. One story goes that when they started hand cutting through the buttonwoods, and other flora, it seemed that they had worked hard enough and walked enough to have reached all the way to Tallahassee. Another story is that the workers commented that it was like going to Tallahassee when walking from the fields to the dock carrying baskets of pineapples. Tallahassee was synonymous with a great distance. Eventually, there was a little tram rail leading to the Planter docks. The old Tallahassee Road has since grown over in buttonwoods. 
      The real Overseas Highway saga probably began in 1919 when the Florida land boom days were getting under way. Growing pineapples was passé; and limes were now the produce to grow. Something bigger was on the horizon, and what grew faster was the real estate market. Monroe County was only accessible by the railroad and the Miami Motor Club wanted to give its winter tourists a suburban fishing ground. The real estate interests wanted vehicular access to the thousands of undeveloped acres in the Upper Keys. 
     Jointly the Dade and Monroe County commissioners met and decided to connect Key Largo with the mainland.  The commissioners wanted to follow the railroad route, but the Miami interests wanted the fishing route, that is, the Card Sound route. The Card Sound route won. Monroe County residents voted a $300,000 bond issue in 1922 to construct a road from the Anglers Club, down the key of Key Largo to the Key Largo depot, then following along side of the railroad to Matecumbe. Additional roadwork was also to be done in Key West and the Lower Keys. Dade County was to build the road from Homestead to Card Sound. Dade County also had to bond funds to construct their portion of the highway to Dade-Monroe County line. What follows is a surge in Upper Keys potential growth - a lot of land subdividing but not a porportional number of buildings.

      Subdivisions started cropping up everywhere, so it seemed. The first was the North Carolina Fishing Village in 1924. Atlantic View, Key Largo City Gardens, B. C. Moreno's, Angler's Park, Angler's Shores, Thompson's, Sunset Cove, Seaside, Palma Sola, Largo Beach, Tavernier, and Tavernier Cove all materialized in 1925. At the same time, Islamorada was sub-dividing. People would come down on the train to look at the lots they had bought and, once off the train, vehicle roads were needed for their further access. The Florida Land Boom was also affecting Key West and the lower Keys, but in my opinion not to such a great degree. 

      One of the new developers was Charles Sexton who had purchased the land surrounding the Key Largo train depot (mile marker 105.6). He was going to build a "Venice of the Keys." Within a few years he had a hotel with an annex, a mercantile store with post office and restaurant that were advertised in the 1925 newspaper Key Largo Breeze as the Key Largo Plaza. Sexton started dredging canals off of Blackwater Sound. The Land Boom busted before his Venice could be completed. Today, the general area is known as Sexton Cove.

      As to the highway, the $300,000 bond wasn't enough, so in 1926 Monroe County floated a $2.5 million bond issue with an amazing two opposing votes. So amazing was this, that it provoked a March 13 overnight letter from Key West to newspapers and police chiefs around the nation. The letter said, "Keep lookout for the only two citizens of Key West and Monroe County who voted against the two and one half million dollar bond issue yesterday for construction of automobile highway to mainland from Florida Keys. Stop. Can be easily recognized by appearance. Stop. Give widest publicity thru newspapers - signed Joseph W. Albury, Chief of Police." 
Building Roads, Riding Ferries
      Dade County was to build 11 miles of road from Florida City to Little Card Point, a point of land between Card and Barnes Sound.  Monroe County was to build a drawbridge and connect the Dade road to the existing North Key Largo road. Before it could be completed, the roadway and bridge were severely damaged by the hurricane of 1926. It was decided to raise the bridge height from five to nine feet. Tidewater Construction Company was the original bridge contractor, but S. J. Groves Co. did the final modification and repair. Awaiting for its completion, in March of 1927 a barge-type ferry towed by a powerboat transported cars from Florida City to the east end of the Card Sound bridge. This was known as the Key Largo Ferry and the point was known as Pelican Harbor. Meanwhile, Jenner Construction made the road serviceable as far as Islamorada. Another feat was using the car ferry to cross to the mainland, J. Otto Kirchheiner, chairman of the Monroe County commissioners, was the first to drive a car from Key West to the mainland on July 18, 1927. 

      By 1928, the rebuilt and higher off the water 2,800-foot wooden drawbridge across Card Sound was completed. The additional road and bridges were completed to Lower Matecumbe Key. The Upper Keys were connected to the Florida mainland. In the meanwhile, Key West had built a road as far as No Name Key. Construction of a ferryboat pier began at Lower Matecumbe and No Name Key. 
      To complete the circuit to Key West, on January 16, 1928, three ferryboats at a cost of $850,000 from the Gibb's Shipyard of Jacksonville were put into operation between Lower Matecumbe Key and No Name Key. One ferry would go south and one ferry would be returning north. The third was kept in reserve or in maintenance. However, one ferry burned eight months later. Officially for the public the OSH opened January 25, 1928.

 This was a 41-mile ferry trip. Each ferry could take 20 cars and the trip took about four hours. The toll was $3.50 for vehicles under 14 feet up to $6.50 for vehicles over 16 feet, driver included. Passengers were charged $1.00 each. When completed from Florida City to Key West, it was designated State Road 4A. This is now known as Monroe County Road 905. A little over two years later in 1931, a 13 1/2-mile road was completed across the Vacas Keys with ferry terminals on Grassy and Hog Keys. This reduced the ferry trip to two 14-mile water gaps and provided Marathon with automobile service from the other Keys. In reality, it seems that they only made a real effort to serve Marathon in the winter months.  

       This original highway was designated as State Road 4A just as the road from Miami to Homestead was. The designation of U.S. 1 did not come until federal funds were used to improve the vehicle access for the Navy to Key West during WW II. The SR-4A route was shortened by about 14 miles by using the already acquired railroad right-of-way. This new route became highway U.S. 1. To see a 1933 road map click here. CLICK  

      The total road cost was now close to $4,000,000. This accounted for a complete highway system and a lot of improvements in Key West. During this time, trains also provided service through the Keys. The day-to-day needs of the Upper Keys were served better by delivery trucks, buses, etc. that would make intermediate stops in-between the train depots. Small cottages for fishing, weekends, or just to get away from the city started to appear. Charter fishing began to appear. Farmers slowly abandoned their fields. 

      Tavernier resident Captain Cliff Carpenter remembers the old highway as a bumpy rock road when he first drove his new, green 1928 Chevrolet coupe down from Miami. Later, Captain Cliff remembers the Florida Motor Lines bus and the Overseas Freight Line vehicles passing back and forth where the northbound traffic lane of U.S. 1 is now. The railroad was where the southbound lane is located. 
Eliminating the Ferries
      The ferry service was barely adequate. It had a limited capacity, was slow, unreliable, inconvenient and relatively expensive for the service it provided. Often they would run aground, or be delayed due to low tides and shallow water. One ferry captain commented that there was not quite enough water for swimming and too much for farming. Key West was not satisfied. Plans were begun to bridge the water gaps for vehicular traffic to eliminate the ferries. Consulting Army engineers estimated that it would cost another $7.5 million. Congressional records referred to it as the "Oversea" Highway in 1930. 
      Monroe County had already indebted itself to the hilt, so the Overseas Highway Bridge Corporation (OHBC) for a toll road was formed in 1932. It submitted its plans to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to borrow $10.7 million. This loan was to be amortized over 19 years, at which time the highway would then be deeded to Monroe County. The RFC (1932-1957), then headed by Jesse Jones, was to make federal loans for important public interest projects that could not find private money. 
      Times were hard and money scarce, but on October 12, 1932 the RFC forwarded its request to Washington. The nation was in a depression. President Franklin Roosevelt and Congress had placed $3.3 billion in the hands of the federal Board of Public Works. For some bureaucratic reason, the OHBC had to be dissolved and be reorganized as the Overseas Road and Toll Bridge District (OR&TBD). The following year (1933) the Florida Legislature via a special act created the OR&TBD. President Roosevelt's approval followed, but still, no money. On July 4, 1934, the government created the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA). The nation's capitol had been under siege by a "Bonus Army" of veterans demanding premature payment of their WW-I bonus. Key West and Monroe County had declared bankruptcy and FERA was sent in to bail them out. 

      The early bonus for the veterans was refused, but Washington knew of the Monroe County Bridge request. Some of the Bonus Army group were sent to the Keys to build a highway to Grassy Key. The engineering and supervision were under the State Road Department. The veterans had their own supervisors. Coordination between the two presented some problems. 

      Three FERA work camps were built: One camp at Snake Creek on Windley Key, another on upper Lower Matecumbe Key and camp 3 on the lower end of Lower Matecumbe Key. By 1935, about 700 veterans were at work. Not since the construction of the railroad had such dredging, digging and concrete operations been seen and heard in the Keys. 
The 1935 Hurricane Tragedy
      On Labor Day, September 2, 1935, in Miami, at about 3:10 p.m., train crews were called to form a train to evacuate the veterans in the Keys from the approaching hurricane. About an hour later, locomotive number 447 pulled a train out of Miami en route to Lower Matecumbe. 
      The train was too late. At about 8:24 that evening the clocks and much of life stopped in the Islamorada area. Suddenly, the wind and a 17-foot storm surge of water turned the train cars over. Locomotive number four-forty-seven had a mission impossible.

       Four-hundred-and-twenty-plus lost their lives that night. Over one-half were veterans and their families. One ferry boat was lost; however, all the large concrete railroad bridges stood tall and straight. Many miles of the rock-made causeways and rail beds were washed out. Only a eight of the  concrete highway bridge piers built by the WW-1 vets remained as evidence of the veterans' work (MM 73, bay side). The debate to rebuild the railroad or build a complete highway without ferries began. 
Filling the Void
      In the aftermath, transportation in the Florida Keys was by plane and ship. Pan American Airways flew to Key West. Using the remaining car ferries the City of Key West and Florida Keys, a temporary landing for limited automobile travel was quickly planned by the WPA at Snake Creek. However, the flow of water during the winter season and shallower access through Florida Bay changed the landing location to the lower end of Upper Matecumbe Key. Later, two steel Mississippi River car ferries, the Pilgrim and the Traveler, were brought in and the Lower Matecumbe Key ferry landing was restored after repair to the Indian Key Fill was completed. 
The Oversea Highway is Completed
      The F.E.C. Railway was washed up in more ways than one - it was bankrupt like Monroe County. Monroe County's population was mostly in Key West; therefore, for the county to survive, either the railroad or the highway had to exist. The highway in the Upper Keys was not seriously damaged. The highway won and the F.E.C. right-of-way from Florida City to Key West was available for $640,000 plus some tax debts to be forgiven. The Public Works Administration Public Works Administration approved a loan to the Overseas Road and Toll Bridge District for $3,527,429 million. The District in turn issued revenue bonds to be repaid with road tolls. The grand total was now about $8 million, roughly one-seventh what it cost Flagler to build the railroad, and roughly equal to the Army Corps of Engineers estimate just to bridge the water gaps. 

      B. M. Duncan was chosen as the District's general manager and chief engineer to convert the railroad bridges. First purchased was the railroad right-of-way. For a vehicular highway it had to be much wider than the width of a railroad track. Sealed bids were opened on May 18, 1937 to start the project. The State Road Department constructed concrete bridges on timber piles at Tavernier, Snake and Whale Harbor channels. Groves, Lundin & Cox did the Upper Keys' roadwork. The two moveable spans were done in-house by the District. 

      Most of the work was done by contractors. The Bahia Honda Bridge presented the greatest engineering problem for highway conversion. The top of the camelback trestle rose a dazzling sixty-five feet in the air. The final solution was to build a concrete road slab on top of the trusses and graduate the climb and descent for auto travel. The Cleary Brothers were the contractors. The Bahia Honda Bridge was the first bypassed when a new four-lane bridge was constructed in 1972. 

 Steel beams were laid across the more conventional bridges and a layer of reinforced concrete encased the beams. Each bridge was given a nine-inch high and a twenty-inch wide curb. The road itself was twenty feet, curb to curb. All of this was done without loss of life. 

      The highway was opened for traffic on March 29, 1938 using the old Card Sound and south Big Pine Key routes. The Lower Keys route to/from Key West followed the original State Road 4A  route along the Atlantic ocean. The only route changes were the addition from Lower Matecumbe Key to Big Pine Key which became a toll road. The official opening was July 4, 1938. Greyhound Bus Service began almost immediately as well as other distributing services. Former Florida F.E.R.A./W.P.A. director Julius Stone's 1934 exhortation to Key West of its tourist potential was now a reality. The Gibraltar of the South had a usable vehicle artery to and from the mainland. 

      The nation was made aware of the new highway when on February 18, 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt passed through the Upper Keys in route to Key West to board the cruiser Houston to observe war games in the Caribbean.  Poor Ole Craig waved to the entourage when in passed through Craig Key in an open convertible at about 2 p.m. Key West mayor, Willard Albury, met the president at the west end of the Bahia Honda bridge on West Summerland Key. From there, Mayor Albury accompanied the president to tour much of the then inactive Key West naval facilities. 
World War II Causes Changes
      As in every recent major war, the outbreak of World War II made Key West of military significance to the U.S. Navy. The existing OSH in places had many wooden bridges and sharp turns. The relatively large presence of the Navy at Key West required stronger bridges to support its operations. Authorities chose to utilize the entire route of the previous FEC railroad as this would also shorten its length by about 14 miles. Concerns for wartime security patrols were also cited. It should be noted that the old highway was designated as U.S. 1 before WW-II, but the specific date is elusive. Florida also uses State Road 5 for its designation.

         In the Upper Keys, a used bascule type drawbridge was installed at Jewfish Creek and the rail bed made into a new highway to Florida City. This bypassed the Card Sound State Road 4A loop and neither the Navy nor the County would maintain it; therefore it was quickly abandoned for all but the serious fisherman that continued to use it. The old wooden bridge was locked open for maritime operations, but the approaches were used until a camp fire burned much of it.  Monroe County continued to maintain the highway up to the Key Largo Angler's Club and the Ocean Reef Club.

         In other parts of the Upper Keys, the Navy paved and upgraded the bridges to handle the very heavy loads needed to supply the Navy's needs. This meant that the Upper Keys had two 2-lane highways - the new Navy paved old Flagler right-of-way and the existing State Road 4A. This was programmatic while the locals knew that they separate 2-lane roads; however, in locations where the roads were separate by a narrow median, some visitors thinks that it was a divided 4-lane road and occasionally were involved with head-on collisions.
        In the Lower Keys, the Sugarloaf Key 4A route via the Pirates Cove and other resorts along the coastline to Stock Island was bypassed for the same reasons and the new highway also used mostly the original railroad route. Some of the remains of this route are still visible. Older aerial photos show the old bridge to Stock Island quite well. This new route did however pass through the Boca Chica Navy base, which were eventually rerouted to the outer perimeters.

The two bypasses cut travel by 17 miles, but cost another $5 million, a sum authorized in February 1942. The funds allocated were: $2.1 M, Us.Navy $1.9 M, US Army $0.2, State road Department $0.6 M, State road tax $0.1 M and Monroe County gas tax $0.2 M. The total highway funds now totaled $13 million.  

        Travel reasons were not the only considerations. The original railroad bed through the Everglades was almost a direct route to the mainland. The 1941 Navy authorized fresh water pipeline used this shorter route. Therefore, the new highway was built along side the already started pipeline. In 1957, the Florida Keys Elect COOP (FKEC) contracted with Florida Power and Light (FP&L) and installed an electric transmission line along the same route to the Homestead City Electric System. This is same route as today and is largely responsible for our modernization.
      The official Overseas Highway dedication for this third major modification was given in July 2, 1944. "I dedicate this road to the greatness of the Keys," said Governor Spessard L. Holland as he and his wife cut the ribbon atop the Bahia Honda Bridge. One could now drive from Fort Kent, Maine to Key West on U.S. 1. This was a much larger celebration than the 1938 highway opening. 

      After opening the so called "18 Mile Stretch", the original Card Sound Bridge was not maintained and to prevent its use, a section was removed. After the 1947 hurricane its condition further deteriorated helped along by a few fires and the bridge was removed entirely. North Key Largo was left without its direct road service to the mainland. 

      The railroad maintenance village on Pigeon Key served as headquarters for the Toll and Bridge Commission. All construction, maintenance and operations were directed from this small island. Tolls were one dollar for the vehicle and driver, plus 25 cents for each passenger.  

The Florida Keys Weekly News of November 1947 listed 15,254 vehicles with tolls of $29,275.25. In 1952, rumors and investigations of misuse of toll revenue resulted in Monroe County residents being given a free pass. The free passes became available as of January 1, 1953. David W. Pease was the first to pass free of charge just after midnight, The pass was a numbered decal sticker to be placed on their windshields. A short time later, increased pressure resulted in the road tolls being lifted on April 15, 1954. Signs were briefly put up naming it "The Florida Freeway" but the locals preferred Overseas Highway, and the signs were removed.

       What I call the fourth Overseas Highway may be a little more difficult to definitize. The Flagler railroad began in 1905 followed 20 years later with first Overseas Highway (1925-1928). The second Overseas Highway actually began before the 1935 hurricane, however it was the 1935 hurricane that became the "mother of necessity" completing it in 1938. World War II prompted the third Overseas Highway (1942 - 1944) as a complete modern vehicle artery.

            The next 34 years, 1944 to 1978, was almost a continuous maintenance period. Some maintenance projects were quite large. One significant change in the Upper Keys was four laning part of the Island of Key Largo. The Overseas Highway was four-laned in three different projects. The community of Tavernier in 1966 was 4-laned, then to Rock Harbor to Lake Surprise (MM 106) in 1971 - 1972 and I am not certain when the Tavernier to Rock Harbor section was. Also, there was the $1.1 million expenditure to repair the Long Key Bridge in 1966. The Long Key Bridge repair was done with state funds and not from the controversial $7.9 million Monroe County road bond issue.

            In fact, all the bridges were deteriorating as they are today; from relatively heavy use in an extremely harsh salt-water environment. The beginning of the end was signaled when chunks of concrete began falling off of the 1938 built Bahia Honda Bridge overhead concrete slab. In 1968, it was announced that two two-lane concrete spans would replace the old elevated railroad bridge at a cost of $5.5 million. After much discussion of the vertical clearance, a contract was let for $7.9 million in July 1969. The final cost was much more, as it was in many of the following projects. Dedication ceremonies were in August of 1972 with a 1901 Oldsmobile replica being the first car to pass over. The use of tolls was discussed in many of the costly projects.

       A summary for the Upper Keys. Some form of a highway appeared in the late teens. My 1923 Dade County map showed definite roads of some sort on Key Largo - the map does not go as far as Plantation Key. There were a branch to two roads in North Key Largo. In 1928 the wooden Card Sound Bridge and associated Dade and Monroe County connecting roads were open for vehicle traffic as far as lower Lower Matecumbe Key where the terminal for a 40-mile ferry boat to No Name Key was - the southern ferry terminal. A road from Key West to No Name Key had been completed. The ferries tried to make two round trips daily with around 20 vehicles each way. Soon Marathon was connected with two additional ferry terminals, but no additional ferry boats. The 1935 Hurricane closed the rail service and by 1938 the railroad bridges were converted to two-way between the mainland and Key West. The rail track had been removed by then and the rail bed grew weeds in the Upper Keys - fallow. During WW-II the railheads at both extremities of the Keys were paved and what was known as the old highway (State Road 4A) in some places existed as a separate parallel highway and some places it was abandoned.  The Card Sound Bridge fell into disrepair and was closed for vehicle traffic - the same occurred slowly along the old ocean from highway between Sugarloaf Key and Stock Island which ran along the ocean. Where there were inhabitants and County funds, the two set of two-way roads were maintained - the older road slowly becoming less attractive to drive on. The new highway was US-1 and the other was the Old Highway. In the mid-1960s in a few miles of Tavernier, Redlands Construction of Miami began the four-laning process, detouring all traffic to the 'old highway' and constructing the US-1 portion, the former rail bed, as the South Bound land. When completed, the process was reversed and the old road (SR 4A) was made into the North Bound lane - nearly two years were require from planning to opening. Slowly the process continued in a hop-skipping fashion until reaching about MM 106, or the Lake Surprise/Card Sound road divide. 
      Off the northern end of Key Largo, the highly touted, proposed community of 'Islandia' in Dade County which wanted a highway from Key Biscayne across all the connecting Keys soutward to Key Largo. I am not certain when the idea for the City of Islandia germinated, as a group I believe it was about 1951. I have copy of the Islandia, Florida logo noting "Founded 1951". Later the norhtern terminus was changed to now the Turkey Point nuclear power site. 

     From a copy of the May 1965 "Islandia News" a paragraph titled What's Cooking In Islandia reads: "Right now, two bulldozers are clearing land in Islandia, - a drag line is digging a new harbor, a pile driver is building docks and there are 10 (count'en) cars and trucks in the city." The issue continues about the Islandia Ferry service. A special notice was "The FERRY runs daily except Thursdays to allow for necessary maintenance, etc. Use the Ferry during the week."

     I seems as if there were 13 major islands forming Islandia, Elliott Key being the largest. In 1886, Jeremiah Saunders from Green Turtle Key, Bahamas, was was given a land grant signed by Grover Cleveland. This was probably the start of the large pineapple plantations that Elliott Key became famous for. Other Bahamian families were: William D. Albury, Henry Filer, George Sweeting, Thomas Sweeting, Arthur Higgs, Alfred Acheson, Parson Israel Lafayette Jones, etc.
     Miami Beach entrepreneur Carl Fisher took an interest is the area when he opened his millionaires get-away Cocolobo Cay Clubhouse on Caesar's Creek in 1920.

     In the 1960, Dade and Monroe Counties began a posturing session connect Key Biscayne to Key Largo with a modern highway supported by tolls. The Federal government began purchasing land in the 1970s for a park paying around the $6,000 a acre figure.

    Back to our subject, the only part of the highway that eventually survived was a $2.6 million Monroe County revenue bond issue for the construction of a new, 65-foot-high Card Sound Bridge in 1969. The Capeletti Brothers, Inc. completed the work for $1.95 million and bridge tolls were collected to repay the bonds. This greatly enhanced the value of Ocean Reef. 

     For a time, the improved 1944 highway withstood the traffic generated by growth resulting from the additions of the water pipeline, electricity, anti-mosquito control and high schools. The considerable damage that Hurricane Donna (1960) did to the bridge approaches was quickly repaired; still, the Overseas Highway that we know today is the result of major changes. 

      From 1978 to 1983 the highway was changed to eliminate all of the old, modified Flagler bridges at a cost of $175 million. These old bridges (23) can still be seen alongside of the present bridges. Some have been converted to fishing piers. 

      The new Seven Mile Bridge began in 1979 and was completed in 1982 costing $45 million. Some five years later, $5 million was being spent for repairs of the Seven Mile and Long Key Bridges. At the time of this writing, projects are in the making to spend more than $1 million for additional rust treatment for selected bridges. The Card Sound Bridge already has a reduced weight restriction imposed. 

      The original Bahia Honda, Seven Mile and Long Key (converted) railroad bridges are on the Monroe County and National Register of Historic Places. For years the Florida Department of Transportation has been trying to transfer management responsibility of all the old bridges to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as directed in 1986 by the Laws of Florida, Chapter 86-304. 

      The 5.31-acre island of Pigeon Key was deeded to the Overseas Bridge and Toll District in 1936 and to Monroe County in 1954. Pigeon Key was bypassed when the new Seven Mile Bridge was built in 1982 and numerous uses have been proposed for the tiny island in the meantime.  It is now leased to the Pigeon Key Foundation. 

      In mid-October 1955, a super-highway was proposed. It was a $200 million project with six lanes to Key Largo, four lanes to Marathon and two lanes to Key West. As the Miami News reported on October 11, 1955 the project was "Spiked By [the] State Road Department." It too was to be a toll road. The State Road Department became the Department of Transportation in 1969. A passing comment, it was in  March 1953 that he Upper Keys Chamber of Commerce petitioned the Florida legislature to convert the old highway bridges into fishing piers. This conversion process took many years.

      In 1963 talks formed to build a four-lane "West Coast Highway" from Cape Sable to No Name Key. The Everglades National Park effectively stopped this proposal. Then in 1964 the Islandia causeway took its place in the news. Islandia would be from Key Biscayne to North Key Largo with Elliott Key being the principal island. This would have also provided a second highway to the mainland albeit through Key Biscayne to downtown Miami. This did not die so easily and dragged on for a few years with dissension over sharing of the tolls between Dade and Monroe Counties. I am of the opinion that the new Card Sound Bridge was the compromise of the failure of the previous two projects. Monroe's State representative William Roberts told the Miami Herald on January 31. 1969 that, "U.S. 1 to be 4 Lanes By '85.'" 
The Future
      A replacement of the Jewfish Creek drawbridge in Key Largo with a 65-foot tall bridge as part of a four-lane highway project was being considered, but a modified three-lane won. The county road CR-905 bypass, which flooded easily, has been improved sufficiently to serve as an additional hurricane evacuation route. The question remains of how many more vehicles with their associated impacts will the fragile Florida Keys environment withstand? 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Available April 15 through November 30


Charming vacation home located in the beautiful neighborhood of Port Antigua.  You will love this home!   There is a wonderful open concept floor plan with 3 nicely proportioned bedrooms.   Sliding doors open from the dining area into the sunroom   overlooking the canal.  You’ll find this room a great place to relax and enjoy the tropical lifestyle.  The new owners have made many improvements to this home.  The interior has been totally repainted  and gorgeous hardwood floors were added in the main living areas.  There’s new carpet in the bedrooms and all new appliances in the kitchen.   The furniture is new and comfortable.   Relax on the screened porch or watch TV in the living area.   For the boaters, the deep and wide canal with quick access to the bay will be a favorite.  The Channel 5 bridge is a short ride if you wish to be on the ocean side.   There's a gorgeous private sandy beach available only to residents of the Port Antigua neighborhood.   The beach offers hard pack sand where you can put your chair, sit and let the water flow around you while the tropical palms trees sway gently in the breeze. Bedding is King, Queen, Full/Twin Bunk. This property is professionally managed by Keys Holiday Rentals. 

Rate Details:  $5500/month.    Monthly Rates are calculated from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the month.    Additional Charges $255 departure cleaning fee; $200 processing fee; and 12.5% state and local taxes.    Refundable Security Deposit:  $1000.  Utility Caps/Mo:   $150 water and $300 electricity.   Pet Fees:  Pets are accepted at this property on a case by case basis.  If your pet is accepted there is an additional security deposit of $200 for one pet and $100 for an additional pet.  

Optional Insurances:

Accidental Damage:  $45  covers up to $3,000 of accidental damage during your stay. 

Travel Insurance: This is an optional service we offer through a national travel insurance provider. Plans include valuable medical coverage, trip interruption, emergency travel services and more. Please click on the Travel Insurance tab on our website for more information.

All reservations made on this website are tentative and subject to confirmation by the management company.

Rates and fees are subject to change without notice prior to confirmation of reservation.

  • 3 Bedrooms/2 Baths
  • Canal Front with Sunset Views
  • All New Furnishings 2013
  • Wireless Internet
  • Central A/C
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Convenient Floor Plan
  • Open Floor Plan
  • Sleeps Maximum 7
  • Fully Equipped Kitchen
  • Refrigerator with Ice Maker
  • Dishwasher
  • Microwave
  • Range/Oven
  • Blender
  • Coffee Maker
  • Toaster
  • Pots and Pans  
  • Dishes and Flatware   
  • Linens  
  • Towels
  • Washer/Dryer
  • Screened Porch
  • Concrete Patio Dockside
  • Outdoor Furniture
  • Lounge Chairs
  • Neighborhood Sandy Beach
  • Concrete Dock
  • Dock with Water
  • Fish Cleaning Station
  • Gas BBQ
  • Charcoal BBQ
  • Covered Parking
  • Trailer Parking Onsite 

  • Located at Mile Marker 74.5 Bayside  
  • Convenient to Marathon and Islamorada  
  • John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park   MM 102.5 
  • Dolphin Cover MM 101.9
  • Jacobs Aquatic Center MM 100
  • Wild Bird Center MM 93.6
  • Rain Barrel Artists Village MM 86
  • Founder's Park MM 87 with community pool, white sand beach, picnic areas, skateboard park, basketball court, driving range, and amphitheater
  • Theater of the Sea (Dolphin, Sea Lion Shows - Swim with the Dolphin Programs) MM 84.5
  • History of Diving Museum MM 82.9
  • Cheeca Lodge MM 81.8
  • World Wide Sportsman, Shopping, Morada Bay and Pierre’s Restaurants MM 81
  • Robbie's Marina - Feed the Tarpon MM 77.5
  • Islamorada Tennis Club   MM 76.8  
  • Anne’s Beach MM 73 (Oceanside)
  • Long Key State Recreation Area MM 67.5 
  • Dolphin Research Center MM 58  
  • Key Colony Beach Golf & Tennis MM 53.5  
  • Snorkeling and Scuba Diving
  • Windsurfing, Waterskiing, Wakeboarding
  • Kayaking, Canoeing
  • Sailing, Parasailing
  • Park tours
  • Kite boarding and paddle boarding
  • Bird watching
  • Charter Boats for Deep Sea or Backcountry Fishing
  • Bike Trails
  • Movie Theaters
  • Shopping
  • Gourmet or Casual Dining
  • Fabulous Waterfront Restaurants
  • Fishing – Deep Sea or Back Country
  • Fishing Party Boats 
  • Private Captains and Boats for Charter
  • Boat Rentals
  • Fitness Centers 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Our Properties & Local Events

We know how important our furry friends are to many of us. Some can’t bear the thought of leaving our beloved pets at home while we vacation. Keys Holiday Rentals is happy to offer close to two dozen properties that are pet friendly for our guests. You can expect the best hospitality and quality in each individual property we manage, and you’ll get to make beautiful memories with your pet close-by. These properties include a 1 bedroom perfectly setup for privacy and convenience, a privately gated property featuring 2 pet friendly units on one acre of a lush tropical grounds and multiple single-family homes.

February 24-25, 2018

Who's ready for the ANNUAL Gigantic Nautical Flea Market? We look forward to this every year... Come and shop and stay for the fish! Thousands of bargain hunters are expected to browse and buy fishing gear, rods, reels, line, lures and tools. The event raises money for college scholarships for Upper Keys youth. Hours are 8AM - 3PM. Event is staged at Founders Park, MM 87. Free Parking at Coral Shores High School (MM 90). Free shuttle to the park. A $5 per adult donation requested on entry.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Last Minute Availability

March 1-31, 2018


MINIMUM STAY:  29 DAYS    NEW RENTAL OPPORTUNITY!    This magnificent home is located at the mouth of a wide canal in Tavernier and offers phenomenal open water views.  The furnishings are new and provide a comfortable and extremely inviting living environment.    This 4 bedroom 3 bath single family home (3/2 up; 1/1 down) with its tropical décor offers a spacious interior and a resort like exterior.  The oversized kitchen is well stocked and has a casual dining bar. You’ll love gathering for your favorite beverage at the inside bar located between the kitchen and the main living area.  Double sliding doors open to the screened balcony overlooking the pool and bay.  Dining or relaxing at water’s edge is a wonderful treat few people get to experience from home.   Two bedrooms and a full bath are located just off the living room.  One features a king bed and the other two queen beds.  Upstairs is another bedroom with a king bed, private balcony and ensuite bath.  There are many ways for you to pamper yourself in this bath – separate steam shower, standard shower, or soak in the tub!   The balcony off this 3rd floor bedroom overlooks the bay and has spiral stairs to a roof top observation area.  The views from this observation area are truly awe-inspiring any time of the day, but especially so as you experience the magnificence of the Keys sun as it sets over the water and sinks into the horizon.
At ground level you’ll love stepping into the gorgeous new heated pool.   The 50’ concrete dock with electricity, water and a fish cleaning station is perfect for boaters, fishermen and water enthusiasts.    Perfect for entertaining or relaxing poolside is a covered patio area.  This area also has two sets of sliding glass doors to an indoor living area with a bath, mini kitchen and sleeping room for extra guests.The numerous amenities of this impeccably maintained luxury single family home guarantee an incredible and memorable vacation experience.     There is a TV in every bedroom and WiFi is included.

This property is professionally managed by Keys Holiday Rentals.

Rate Details:  $9,500 to $11,000/month depending on season.   Monthly Rates are calculated from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the month.  If your plans are for less than a month we may be able to help.   Please call the office.    

 Additional Charges:     $360 departure cleaning fee; $200 processing fee and 12.5% state and local taxes.   

Refundable Security Deposit:  $2000 with Accidental Damage Insurance or $4000 without. 

Utility Caps/Mo:    $140 water and $300 electricity. 

Pet Fees:  Pets are acceptPets are accepted at this property on a case by case basis. If your pet is accepted there is an additional security deposit of $200 for one pet and $100 for an additional pet.

Optional Insurances:

Accidental Damage:  $45  covers up to $3,000 of accidental damage during your stay. 

Travel Insurance: This is an optional service we offer through a national travel insurance provider. Plans include valuable medical coverage, trip interruption, emergency travel services and more. Please click on the Travel Insurance tab on our website for more information.

All reservations made on this website are tentative and subject to confirmation by the management company.

Rates and fees are subject to change without notice prior to confirmation of reservation.

Property Amenities

  • 4 Bedrooms/3 Baths (3/2 up; 1/1 down)
  • Bay Views
  • Almost Bay Front
  • Inviting Tropical Decor
  • Updated Furnishings
  • Wireless Internet
  • 5 Flat Screen TV's
  • Central A/C, Ceiling Fans
  • Open Floor Plan
  • Sleeps Maximum 12
  • Fully Equipped Kitchen
  • Refrigerator with Ice Maker
  • Dishwasher
  • Microwave
  • Range/Oven
  • Blender
  • Coffee Maker
  • Toaster
  • Toaster Oven
  • Pots and Pans
  • Dishes and Flatware
  • Linens
  • Towels
  • Washer/Dryer
  • Screened Balcony
  • Open Balcony
  • Patio
  • Outdoor Furniture
  • Lounge Chairs
  • Heated Pool
  • Concrete Dock
  • Dock with Elec
  • Dock with Water
  • Fish Cleaning Station
  • Gas BBQ
  • Covered Parking
Nearby Attractions


MINIMUM STAY:  1 MONTH     Water views from almost every room in this home!  Gaze at the water from your bedroom, the dining area, the balcony, or the Tiki!  This home is so close to open water you almost feel like it is on the open water.   The expansive ocean views from the roof top viewing area and the 2nd floor balcony are spectacular.   

This 4 bedroom home has just completed a "make-over" and offers all new furnishings - beds, tables, lamps, living area furnishings, etc.   The kitchen is modern and up to date as are the two baths.   CASA KAI boasts 5 brand new HDTV's and WiFi for your enjoyment and convenience.  This home has everything you could want in a vacation home...convenient location, easy access to the ocean and space to move around. 

The outdoor area of this canal front home is as comfortable as the inside.  There are sunning areas and shaded areas designed for your relaxation and comfort.  Chaise lounges, Adirondack chairs, stackable chairs and a hammock offer a variety of seating choices.   Grab your book and relax under the Tiki or the triangular shade sail.  After a day of fishing cook your catch on the new Weber 3 burner gas grill or take it to one of the local restaurants where the chef will prepare it anyway you want.  

The dock area offers a cut in boat slip and space on the sea wall for your boats.   One of the sea wall docking options offers davits for a boat up to 10,000 lbs.  There's room to dock two or possibly even 3 boats depending on their sizes.   Two stand up paddle boards stored in the shed are available for guest use.     

This property is professionally managed by Keys Holiday Rentals. 

RATE DETAILS: Rent is $4,750 to $5,200/month depending on season. Monthly Rates are calculated from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the month. 

Additional Charges: $360 departure cleaning fee; $200 processing fee; 12.5% state and local taxes. 

Refundable Security Deposit: $1,000 

Pet Deposits:Pets are accepted at this property on a case by case basis. If your pet is accepted there is an additional security deposit of $200 for one pet and $100 for an additional pet.  

Utility Caps/Mo:  $150 water and $250 electricity. 

Optional Insurances:

Accidental Damage:  $45  covers up to $3,000 of accidental damage during your stay. 

Travel Insurance: This is an optional service we offer through a national travel insurance provider. Plans include valuable medical coverage, trip interruption, emergency travel services and more. Please click on the Travel Insurance tab on our website for more information.

All reservations made on this website are tentative and subject to confirmation by the management company.

Rates and fees are subject to change without notice prior to confirmation of reservation.

  • 4 Bedrooms/2 Baths
  • Oceanside with Ocean Views
  • Sleeps 10
  • Canal 
  • WiFi
  • Central A/C
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Open Concept Floor Plan
  • 5 Flat Screen TV's
  • Fully Equipped Kitchen
  • Refrigerator 
  • Dishwasher
  • Microwave
  • Range/Oven
  • Blender
  • Coffee Maker
  • Toaster Oven
  • Pots and Pans  
  • Dishes and Flatware   
  • Linens  
  • Towels
  • Hair Dryers
  • Alarm Clocks
  • Washer/Dryer
  • Iron & Ironing Board
  • Vacuum Cleaner 
  • Luggage Racks
  • Open Balcony
  • Outdoor Furniture
  • Hammock
  • 2 Paddleboards with paddles
  • Concrete Dock
  • Cut-In Boat Slip
  • Fish Cleaning Station
  • Gas BBQ
  • Tiki
  • Roof Top Viewing Area

  • Located at Mile Marker 96 
  • Fabulous location on quite residential street  
  • Convenient commute to Miami or Lower Keys
  • John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park   MM 102.5  (Oceanside)
  • Harry Harris Park  MM 92.5 (Oceanside)
  • Postcard Inn Resort & Tiki Bar  MM 84 Oceanside
  • World Class Snorkeling and Scuba Diving
  • Windsurfing, Water Skiing, Wakeboarding
  • Kayaking, Sailing  
  • Charter Boats for Deep Sea or Backcountry Fishing
  • Movie Theater
  • Gourmet or Casual Dining
  • Fabulous Waterfront Restaurants
  • Fishing Party Boats 
  • Private Captains and Boats for Charter
  • Small Boat Rentals
  • Fitness Centers
  • Jacob's Aquatic Center MM 100
  • Wild Bird Center MM 93.6
  • Theatre of the Sea - Dolphin, Sea Lion Shows - Swim with the Dolphin Programs MM 84.5
  • Robbie's Marina - Feed the Tarpon MM 77.5


MINIMUM STAY:  28 Nights  "Crystal Clear Bay Home" offers beautiful open water views and fabulous world famous sunsets. This brand new home is located at Mile Marker 89 on a quiet street in Islamorada. Everything is brand new and offers 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms. Upstairs,on the main level you can find the open kitchen and a comfortable living and dining room. On this level you will find the master suite with ensuite bathroom, guest bedroom with queen bedding and guest bedroom with two twin beds. There is also a hall bathroom with shower/tub combination for shared guest use.  On the ground level additional guests can enjoy a queen bedroom and half bathroom with a gorgeous tropical mosaic. Pictures of the ground level will be posted shortly. 

Outside you will find a lovely outdoor area featuring a fire pit for late night enjoyment. The dock includes water, electric, fish cleaning station and accommodates up to a 28' boat. Guests are permitted to use the davits if they wish. Maximum weight on davits is 8000 lbs. There is also an additional small docking area for a jet-ski. Boaters can also enjoy the convenience of ocean access through Snake Creek Bridge or Tavernier Creek. Enjoy use of 2 bicycles and 1 kayak during your stay. You will simply not be disappointed with this GEM of a home!

This home is professionally managed by Keys Holiday Rentals.

Rent is $7,500 per month. Monthly Rates are calculated from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the month.   If your plans are for less than a month we may be able to help.  Please call the office.   

Additional Charges: $325 departure cleaning fee; $200 processing fee; 12.5% state and local taxes.

Refundable Security Deposit: $2,000 with Accidental Damage Insurance or $4,000 without. 

Utility Caps/Mo:  $150 water and $250 electricity. 

Optional Insurances:

Accidental Damage:  $45  covers up to $3,000 of accidental damage during your stay. 

Travel Insurance: This is an optional service we offer through a national travel insurance provider. Plans include valuable medical coverage, trip interruption, emergency travel services and more. Please click on the Travel Insurance tab on our website for more information.

All reservations made on this website are tentative and subject to confirmation by the management company.

Rates and fees are subject to change without notice prior to confirmation of reservation.

  • 4 Bedrooms/2 1/2 Baths
  • Sleeps 8
  • Bayfront
  • Inviting Tropical Decor
  • Wireless Internet
  • Central A/C 
  • Wall A/C in Ground Level 
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Open Concept Floor Plan
  • Sleeps 8
  • Fully Equipped Kitchen
  • Side by Side Refrigerator with Water and Ice  
  • Dishwasher
  • Microwave
  • Range/Oven
  • Blender
  • Coffee Maker
  • Toaster
  • Pots and Pans  
  • Dishes and Flatware
  • Linens  
  • Towels including Beach Towels
  • Washer/Dryer
  • Outdoor Furniture
  • Lounge Chairs 
  • Bar Refrigerator
  • Wood Dock
  • Dock with Electric
  • Dock with Water
  • Fish Cleaning Station
  • Outdoor Shower
  • Fire Pit 
  • Propane Gas BBQ
  • 2 Bicycles 
  • 1 Kayak

  • Located at Mile Marker 88.5  
  • Convenient commute to Miami or Lower Keys
  • John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park  MM 102.5 
  • Dolphin Cover MM 101.9
  • Jacobs Aquatic Center MM 100
  • Wild Bird Center MM 93.6
  • Harry Harris Park MM 92.5   
  • Rain Barrel Artists Village MM 86
  • Founder's Park MM 87 with community pool, white sand beach, picnic areas, skateboard park, basketball court, driving range, and amphitheater
  • Theater of the Sea (Dolphin, Sea Lion Shows - Swim with the Dolphin Programs) MM 84.5
  • Holiday Isle Beach Resort & Tiki Bar MM 84
  • History of Diving Museum MM 82.9
  • Cheeca Lodge MM 81.8
  • World Wide Sportsman, Shopping, Morada Bay and Pierre’s Restaurants MM 81
  • Robbie's Marina - Feed the Tarpon MM 77.5
  • Islamorada Tennis Club   MM 76.8  
  • Anne’s Beach MM 73 (Oceanside)
  • Long Key State Recreation Area MM 67.5 
  • Dolphin Research Center MM 58  
  • Key Colony Beach Golf & Tennis MM 53.5  
  • Snorkeling and Scuba Diving
  • Windsurfing, Waterskiing, Wakeboarding
  • Kayaking, Canoeing
  • Sailing, Parasailing
  • Park tours
  • Kiteboarding and paddle boarding
  • Birdwatching
  • Bowling
  • Charter Boats for Deep Sea or Backcountry Fishing
  • Bike Trails
  • Movie Theaters
  • Shopping
  • Gourmet or Casual Dining
  • Fabulous Waterfront Restaurants
  • Fishing – Deep Sea or Back Country
  • Fishing Party Boats 
  • Private Captains and Boats for Charter
  • Boat Rentals
  • Fitness Centers

Image result for local events

February 17, 2018 

A free concert at the ICE Amphitheater at Islamorada’s Founders Park, Bayside, MM 87, Plantation Key. Performances are outdoors; no chairs provided, bring blankets. Starts at 4 p.m. Admission free for all concerts. Presented by Keys Community Concert Band. Bring your dog to be featured in our Pet Parade and, along with the concert band marches, listen to Family Anthem, a bluegrass band from Branson, MO. Pet adoptions will be available through Upper Keys/Key Largo Animal Shelter.

February 17, 2018

 The self-guided tour offers a chance to visit a wide variety of island garden styles in Key Largo and Plantation Key, not otherwise available for viewing. Stroll through our Francis Tracy Garden Center grounds (MM94 Bayside) while enjoying the complimentary Tea Party, spectacular vendors of all types, plant sales, artisan wares and educational exhibits. While shopping have lunch cooked to order by a local restaurant on site. Tickets available in advance at Key Largo and Islamorada Chambers of Commerce, all First State Bank Locations MM82, 97, 101 or day of the event at the Garden Center and all garden properties.

The Garden Club of the Upper Keys is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting, developing and conserving the natural beauties of the Upper Keys. Our meetings, workshops, and special events provide education and information on the fun of gardening in the Keys. Membership is open to all who are or want to be Keys gardeners -- "green thumb" not required.